Review: Dynastar Speedzone 12 TI

Model year: 2020-2021
Sidecut: 121-72-106
Size: 174
Radius: 15 m
Technology: wood core, full sidewall, two sheets of metal, tip-rocker, Powerdrive technology

About this ski

The Speed Zone series is Dynastar’s piste range. Not directly derived from their World Cup series, but made for hard and groomed snow nonetheless. The range consists of four skis: a beginner model with cap construction (Speed Zone 6), a carbon-reinforced model (8 CA), and two titanal models: the 10 and 12 TI. All have the so-called Power Drive technology.

Power Drive basically means a second titanal sidewall behind the actual ABS sidewall. So, a vertical plate over the entire length of the ski. Between the core and this Power Drive there is some shock-absorbing rubber. This all should get you a smooth ride and extra grip on hard snow. And it does. 


Despite being the ‘highest’ in the range, the 12 TI is not the hardest to ski (the 10 TI is). This 12 is smooth, fun, lively, loves life, and will surprise you every once in a while. It turns very easily, both in carved and in skidded turns. Smooth and round and nicely controlled. But you have to control it. If you let it go, they will enthusiastically run and jump and let you do all kinds of stuff you didn’t really set out to do.

It’s a young dog that just wants to play and have fun. And it can be wild at times. In dense, uneven snow it can be quite jumpy. It will keep you alive – there is no death-wish in the design – but it will push your limits of comfort. If you let go of control. They are not hard to control, but you still have to do that. If you don’t, they will play by themselves and take you along for the ride. 

In conclusion

A smooth, playful ski that delivers in all conditions on hard snow. It’s easy to ski, but if you give up control it just starts to play and run about. Fun, but a bit all over the place at times. Just control that leash and it’s a great piste ski.


Low speedHigh speed
Short turnLong turn
Soft snowHard snow

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