started in the summer of 2016. At that point in time, there was not one platform where people could get some neutral, objective, independent recommendations for skis. There were shops, of course, but with limited options and dollar signs in the retailer’s eyes. On forums, the advice given was often ludicrous and based on hardly any information of the skier. We try to do things differently.
We decide what we write. We decide what we test. We decide what we publish. We do not get paid to write things, to test things. For us, that is the only way to remain independent at all times.
We write what we think is worth mentioning. The ski reviews we post reflect our honest opinion of the ski. Not based on the brochure, but on our own experience on snow. The advice we give is also honest. We try to make the best possible match between what the customer tells us about himself and the skis we have skied and reviewed. And if we are not sure, we ask other skiers that we know and trust for their opinion as well.
We don’t ski flawlessly. Not by a mile. We get tired too, sometimes. We suffer too, in difficult conditions. We are mere mortals too. And we believe that our reviews and advice become more valuable to most skiers if it is coming from fellow non-perfect skiers. We are often criticized because we don’t have the highest ski instructor diplomas (although Yoeri comes very close). But hey – the people we are writing all this for aren’t either. In fact, for those of us who don’t make every run look easy, the different ways in which skis behave and react are even more important to point out.
Native speakers?
We are not native speakers of English. Even though we do our best to write easy to follow articles and reviews, they may not be flawless. Our apologies in advance for any non-perfect sentences, phrases or words.